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As a micro-bakery we believe in one thing - a pure, natural and sustainable product. In other words, less is more. Organic, no additives and as local as possible.

There is no reason for our bread neither to travel far nor to receive the quality ingredients it deserves. All major ingredients are available within a one hour drive from Pontresina. Believe it or not, in the Alps on 1800m, we have access to some of the finest organic produce only a 45 min drive away. And of course the alpine spring water used in our bread  is of the best quality.


Our bread is purely made with sourdough our “lievito madre” and it is left with plenty of time to do its magic. Time is the “secret” ingredient of a good bread and exactly what is missing in our profit driven world. At the end you get what you pay for and please, keep that in mind when enjoying our bread.

Image by Kevin Schmid


The ultimate and primary question asked before we started this project was: “Can we source the ingredients for our products from local producers or at least within a reasonable range from Pontresina?”. Surprisingly most of the ingredients come from no more than a 45 min drive from our amazing location on 1800m above sea level.

Image by Sven Scheuermeier


Just what is required, nothing else. The commercialisation of making bread has gone through a massive evolution over the years. However, the requirement of mass production and economies of scale in food production has led to taking shortcuts. In bread production, this has resulted in the usage of numerous additives in order to, speed up the production processes as well as extend its shelf life.

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-29 at


For us, sustainability in many ways means the organic production of our ingredients. Our bread is by heart organic as long as it is possible. Furthermore, we permanently re-evaluate every step in our process to continuously improve our environmental footprint.

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